Optimize Turmeric Absorption
Combine Turmeric and Black Pepper to Optimize Turmeric Absorption
When eaten alone, turmeric actually has a low active effect on the body. Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric (responsible for all of turmeric’s healing effects) is actually metabolized in the body, which doesn’t allow for the body to fully absorb it. This means the body does not fully absorb all the nutrients turmeric has to offer and thus does not benefit from its healing and preventative effects.
However, the good news is that there is an easy way to consume this super spice wherein the body does absorb all of its antioxidant properties and therefore take advantage of all it has to offer…
Black pepper! Yes, the ingredient that is probably at arms reach in your kitchen enhances the bioavailability of turmeric! Specifically it is piperine - a vital chemical in black pepper that is responsible for increasing the nutrient absorption in turmeric by 2000%. Black pepper allows turmeric to pass through the intestines effectively and metabolize at a much slower rate, which enables better absorption in the body. This is why many curry powder dishes contain the powerful blend of both black pepper and turmeric.
Each of the four Turmeric Tea loose leaf blends contain a little bit of black pepper for this exact reason. We want you to enjoy the full benefits of turmeric while sipping our teas. And a little goes a long way! You may be surprised to find a dash of pepper un-detectable in a full-bodied, flavourful cup of Dawn, Dusk, Summer or Winter.
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